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Product Review Policy

At Sleep Guides, we have a specialized section dedicated to the review of Sleep Related Products from various brands. We employ independent reviewers and/or articles, and we indicate this in the sub-heading of the corresponding article. In instances where we compare products against each other, we outline the criteria used for the review and provide a link to the basis of our choice for the “best” or “top” product.

We strive to provide truthful, precise, and current information about all products. However, we do not represent or warrant that the product reviewed/suggested shall meet the expectations of the customer as it is dependent on the frequently changing features, warranty period and shipping policies. Although we make every effort to keep our information up-to-date, we may sometimes miss some updates. It is always best to verify or find accurate information by visiting the official website of the company.

Role of External Reviewer

Sleep Guides may compensate the external reviewer for their time, labor, and any expenses incurred in purchasing consumables. However, the compensation is not for the reviewer’s feedback. The external entity’s evaluation is entirely their personal viewpoint.

How do we rate the products?

We take into account the following factors (not limited to these) when publishing our comparisons, reviews, or opinions on different products:

  • Company/Brand Name
  • Product
  • Price
  • Warranty
  • Construction
  • Technology Used
  • Return Policy
  • Customer Reviews on various shopping platforms
  • Reputation on various commercial platforms
  • Brand Popularity
  • Availability on various platforms
  • Social Media Presence of the Product

We consider these aspects and more before presenting our evaluation of various products.

The ways in which Sleep Guides collaborates with brands are as follows:

  • Sleep Guides may have cost-per-click, affiliate fee, or revenue-sharing agreements with various brands.
  • Companies may provide Sleep Guides with complimentary products for conducting reviews.
  • Sleep Guides may receive an affiliate fee from brands for reviewing a product or publishing their brand content.
  • We may generate and sell advertising units, such as onsite display and email remarketing, to various brands.


The ranking of products may be affected by referral fees or affiliate fees that we receive from brands.

Message to Companies

At Sleep Guides, we make every effort to provide genuine and current information about your products and publish accurate and reliable data. However, if you notice any inaccuracies, outdated information, or errors concerning your product, company, or brand, please complete our Contact Us form.

Please bear in mind that there may be times when you update something that we have not yet noticed. These human mistakes or discrepancies can easily be resolved with a simple email.