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Discover how much sleep you really need

Sleep Calculator

• Update: May 31, 2023

4 min read


Sleep Calculator

We all need rest, but did you know that sleep quality is just as important as quantity? Getting enough sleep regularly not only leads to improved physical health, it helps sharpen your mental understanding and improve your overall performance. That’s why having a reliable Sleep Calculator has now become a necessity. It tracks how much sleep you get every night so you can make required adjustments. Sleep Guides India seeks to explain why utilising a Sleep Calculator may benefit everyone from students to athletes, new parents and even entrepreneurs.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Based on recommendations from an expert panel commissioned by the National Sleep Foundation, most adults need 7–9 hours of sleep per night. People aged 65 and older should get 7–8 hours. Babies, young children, and adolescents need more sleep than adults do. Recommendations for their total daily sleep, which includes naps, is listed in the following table by age group.

Age rangeHours of Sleep Required
Infants0-2 Years14-17 hours
Toddlers3-5 Years12-15 hours
Children6-12 Years10-11 hours
Teenagers13-17 Years8-10 hours
Adults18+ Years7-9 hours

Sleep recommendations provide an overview of how much sleep most people need, but the exact amount of sleep a specific person should get can depend on other factors, such as their overall health. A doctor is in the best position to make a detailed sleep recommendation for any individual based on their unique situation.

Time to Sleep!

Everyone is unique and has different sleep needs, but there’s a science to figuring out your optimal bedtime. Thanks to experts’ research on the average adult sleep cycle of 90-120 minutes, you can determine when YOU should hit the hay! To ensure you get enough restorative slumber- irrespective of workdays or weekends – try setting regular wake up/sleep times tailored around daylight hours. Keep an eye open during sunlit windows and catch some zzzz’s during darker periods.

Time to Wake Up!

Ensure you have the best start to your day! Set the alarm based on a sleep calculator that considers both your bedtime and age. This allows for around four complete 90-minute sleep cycles, which enhances cognitive function throughout the day while keeping grogginess at bay.

What Happens During Sleep?

Slumber isn’t a one-size fits all activity; it comprises four distinct stages, collectively known as non-rapid eye movement (NREM), each with its unique purpose. To get the most out of your snooze time, familiarise yourself with these steps.

Stage 1 gives you that relaxed feeling and is considered lighter sleep 

Stage 2 those dreams start to become more vivid – don’t be surprised if someone from high school pops up! 

Stage 3 makes sure you’ve got enough zzzz for physical and mental rejuvenation before starting another cycle.

The fourth stage of slumber, known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, is a fascinating period for dreaming. During this time, your body remains temporarily paralyzed, but there’s an extraordinary spike in brain activity – evidenced by its vigorous movements behind closed eyes! Dreams can boost memory and complex thinking when awake because they occur during REM; making it nature’s secret supercharger while snoozing!

Your sleep quality isn’t just determined by the quantity of slumber you get. The true measure is in how your various sleep cycles blend to refresh both body and mind! NREM and REM play a key role here – earlier on, more time is spent in non-rapid eye movement (NREM), while later it’s rapid eye movement (REM). This combo enables us to wake up feeling revitalised, but without enough rest or an imbalance between these two phases, consequences for overall health follow. So take care that you’re sleeping soundly!

The Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation has numerous consequences. One of the most serious is an increased risk of accidents, especially when driving or operating machinery. Sleep deprivation impairs cognitive functioning, making focusing and paying attention harder. It also affects our physical health, as lack of sleep has been linked to many medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. 

It can even take a toll on mental health – depression and anxiety are more likely in those who don’t get enough sleep. Furthermore, sleep deprivation can lead to lower immunity levels and an increased risk of infection; poor memory and decreased creativity; slower reaction times; mood swings; stress; weakened communication skills; irritability and fatigue. In short, not getting enough sleep can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being.

Tips to have better sleep

  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule

 Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends and days off, to help your body develop a regular sleep pattern.

  • Avoid caffeine

Avoid caffeine late in the day. Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with sleep, so try not to consume it within 4-6 hours of bedtime.

  • Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps improve sleep quality, but it’s best to finish exercising at least 3 hours before bedtime as vigorous physical activities can temporarily interfere with sleep patterns.

  • Reduce exposure to blue light

Blue light emitted from electronic devices such as phones and tablets can interfere with melatonin production and disrupt the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, so turn off any electronics before going to bed or using blue-light filters if necessary.

  • Create a relaxing environment for sleeping 

Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet; keep temperatures cool; use blackout curtains or an eye mask if necessary; and make sure your mattress is comfortable and supportive.

  • Limit daytime naps

Limit daytime naps to 15-20 minutes long. Avoid taking naps after 3 pm or longer than 30 minutes as this may interfere with nighttime sleep patterns.

Still have questions?

Our product experts have extensive experience testing just about every sleep product on the market. Contact us or call us at (877) 672-0066 with your questions and we’ll help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
