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13 Tips To Become a Morning Person

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Update: May 25, 2023
5 min read

Written by

Payal Singh
Content Writer
How To Become A Morning Person

Most of us are either morning people or night owls. Some feel energy surging through them even before the sun rises, and others enjoy evening-ness! Now, if you have flipped through self-help books, one of the points highlighted is how crucial being a morning person is for success. 
However, being a morning or night person depends on the genes nested within the fabric of your DNA with hormones, age, and various other factors. So, if you aren’t one, can you intentionally convert into a morning person? Yes. And we bring you all the tips on how to become a morning person.

Why Are Some People Morning People and Not Others?

It’s all in your DNA whether you are a morning or an evening person! In one study, with 90,000 subjects, almost 15 versions of genes were identified that were linked to early and late risers. And almost seven types of genes were associated with circadian rhythm. Now, the circadian rhythm is an internal clock that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. And everybody’s internal clock doesn’t run the same way. It is influenced by genes, age, and environmental factors.

Can You Change Your Chronotype?

Your affinity to be a morning or an evening person is known as a chronotype. These chronotypes are usually associated with animals, such as early birds, night owls, etc. There is no scientific reason behind these names, but they are merely man-made. While genetics play a vital role in helping you wake up early or keep you energised in the wee hours at night, there are ways to change your sleeping and waking cycle. 

Read how to finally become a morning person and enjoy it below.

Tips for Becoming a Morning Person

How to finally become a morning person? These easy-peasy tips will help you out. But remember, patience is the key here.

1. Maintain Good Sleep Hygiene

For better sleep, the first thing you must do is maintain good sleep hygiene. What does it mean? It refers to good sleep habits you can follow before hitting the sheets. This includes food and drink choices before bed, maybe taking a shower, etc. 

2. Develop a Nighttime Routine

Just turning off your lights is not enough to create a restful environment. And having a proper nighttime routine can help you achieve an adequate slumber. Practicing the same nighttime routine every day sends signals to the brain that it is now time for sleep. A nighttime routine can include gentle stretches, deep breathing, meditation, journaling, and more

3. Stay on a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Consistency is the key to sleepiness. So, make sure you go to bed and wake up at the same time. Continue this routine even on weekends to get used to waking up early.

4. Gradually Shift Your Bedtime Earlier

Let’s say you wake up at 9 AM every morning and go to bed at around 1 AM. You are now planning to get up at 7 AM every morning. Don’t try to shift your sleep timing at once. Instead, make a gradual shift. Do it in 15-minute increments, and if you have less time, then 30 minutes. It will allow you to become comfortable with your new sleep schedule

5. Develop a Morning Routine

Having a good morning routine in place will give you something to look forward to and promote wellness. It can include having your favourite cup of coffee, walking, or even listening to your favourite podcast. An enjoyable morning routine is an incentive to help you wake up and not hit snooze.

6. Exercise Regularly

Exercise can help you shift your sleep cycle to an earlier time. One study tracked 52 participants with an evening chronotype who could sleep and wake up early by exercising regularly.

7. Use Light Strategically

We all have an internal clock inside of us known as the circadian rhythm. So, this clock is sensitive to light, where you feel energised when in the sunlight and produce sleep hormones when in the dark. You can use it to your advantage. As soon as you wake up, you can open the curtains and the window or go outside to absorb the bright sunlight. And an hour or two before bedtime, make sure you dim the lights and stay away from electronics to feel sleepy

8. Shift Meal Times Earlier

Your appetite is connected to the circadian rhythm, hence, your meal timings can affect this internal clock. If you are a late sleeper, there are chances that you will have your dinner later in the evening. But if you want to wake up early, try having dinner earlier. It will let your body adjust to an earlier routine

9. Be Careful With Coffee

Caffeine can remain in the system for almost 10 hours. Therefore, consuming a cup up to six hours before bedtime can delay your sleep cycle, which will cause you to wake up late. So, if you love your coffee, make it a part of your morning routine as an incentive. 

10. Never Hit Snooze

Your body needs time to wake up and prepare for the day. It sends your body into rest mode when you let into the temptation of hitting snooze to enjoy 10 more minutes of sleep. And this fragmented sleep confuses the body, and you wake up tired and not refreshed. It is an essential step to wake up early. 

11. Keep Your Phone Silent 

Make sure you turn off your phone or put it on the do-not-disturb mode so that the phone’s notifications don’t disrupt your sleep. When the sleep cycle becomes interrupted, it becomes difficult to wake up on time. It might feel like a small tip but is truly effective. 

12. Keep Your Curtains Open

Most of us have a habit of shutting our curtains to prevent even a ray of sunshine from entering the room in the morning. Do you do it too? Well, if you want to wake up early, make sure you keep the curtains open. The sunlight will help you wake up more naturally and offer you energetic mornings

13. Keep Your Alarm Clock Away 

Do you simply turn off your alarm and go back to sleep? And when you wake up, you notice that you are late! To avoid this scenario, ensure you keep your alarm away from you. So, when the alarm rings, you will have to get out of bed to turn it off. It is an effective strategy which you can try.

Does your chronotype remain the same throughout your life?

Your inclination towards morning-ness or evening-ness doesn’t stay the same throughout life. You may experience a slight shift as you grow older. Usually, females have an earlier chronotype when compared to males. But this gap may reduce as you reach the age of 50. You cannot completely change the chronotype as it is associated with genes, age and other factors. However, with the help of daily light exposure, you may be able to shift it significantly.


If you want to become a morning person, it is possible. Train yourself with the tips mentioned above. Make sure you change your routine and don’t rush into anything to ensure you don’t experience any daytime fatigue. However, if you think you have any sleeping disorder or find it too difficult to maintain a sleep routine, speak with your doctor immediately. 


Can you actually become a morning person?

Yes, you can become a morning person by following the above tips. Train yourself regularly and be patient. Make the transition slowly. 

What makes a person a morning person?

A person who is able to wake up early in the morning effortlessly is known as a morning person.

How can I enjoy being a morning person?

To enjoy being a morning person first enjoy a good night’s rest so you wake up refreshed and have an incentive for yourself to make the mornings more special. For instance, let’s say you enjoy reading books. You can wake up in the morning to enjoy reading before you get ready for work or start your everyday chores.

Is it good for women to become morning person?

For women’s health,  how to become a morning person can be important as it can maximise your potential and help you enjoy much-needed me-time before you start the day.

What’s the best time to wake up?

According to Ayurveda, the best time to wake up is between 6:30 to 7:00 AM. 


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Written by

Payal Singh
Content Writer
Bachelor's in English Literature and Health Sciences Previously wrote blog articles for various Doctors for their websites Familiarity with various content management systems and SEO best practices

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