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6 Reasons to Make Your Bed Every Day

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Update: June 22, 2023
8 min read
Why You Should Make Your Bed

Making your bed may seem like a trivial task, but it carries numerous benefits that contribute to a better living environment. Cultivating the habit of making your bed each morning instills a sense of discipline. It sets the tone for productivity, providing a small but satisfying accomplishment right at the start. A neatly made bed also creates a visually appealing space, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. Additionally, it helps maintain cleanliness In essence, making your bed is a simple act that fosters a positive mindset. Read ahead to know its benefits and some tips on how to do it.

1. It Helps You Start Your Day Off on the Right Foot

Making your bed in the morning may seem like a mundane chore, but it has the power to set the tone for a productive and successful day. It creates a sense of order and discipline that can positively impact your mindset and productivity throughout the day. When you make your bed, you start your day by completing a small task that gives you a sense of accomplishment. This small victory can boost your confidence, making it easier to tackle larger tasks later on.

Furthermore, making your bed creates a visually appealing and inviting environment. Walking into a neatly made bed can bring a sense of calm and serenity. It also helps to clear the physical clutter in your bedroom, which can contribute to a clearer and more focused mind.

Did you know that making your bed can have a ripple effect on the rest of your daily routines? It encourages a sense of discipline, making it more likely that you will continue to maintain a tidy living space and stay organised throughout the day. This, in turn, can reduce stress making it easier to locate and access items you need.

Finally, making your bed can contribute to better sleep hygiene. Taking a few moments each morning to straighten your sheets and fluff your pillows ensures that your bed is fresh and inviting when you return to it at night. This can create a positive association with your bed, promoting a better night’s sleep.

Making your bed is not just about having a tidy space; it is a small ritual that can have a significant impact on your mindset, productivity, and overall well-being. It sets a positive tone for the day, promotes a sense of order, and contributes to a restful sleep environment. By incorporating this simple habit, you can start each day off on the right foot, setting yourself up for success and a more fulfilling life.2. It Encourages Cleanliness

2. It Encourages Cleanliness

Making your bed plays a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness within your living space. By straightening the sheets, fluffing the pillows, and arranging the blankets, you create an environment that discourages the accumulation of dust, dirt, and debris. 

The act of making your bed each morning prevents these particles from settling on the sheets throughout the day. Additionally, it allows for better ventilation, reducing the potential for musty odours. A neatly made bed also makes it easier to identify and address any spills or stains promptly, promoting a hygienic and visually appealing sleeping area. Overall, making your bed is a simple but effective step in keeping your living space clean and fresh.

3. It Often Increases Productivity

Making your bed can significantly boost your productivity levels throughout the day. This seemingly small task sets a positive tone and instills a sense of accomplishment early on, which can have a motivating effect. By completing the task of making your bed, you create a sense of order and discipline that gets carried over into other aspects of your life. This discipline can translate into increased focus, efficiency, and organisation in your daily tasks. Additionally, a neatly made bed provides a visually clean and inviting space, reducing distractions and creating a conducive environment for productivity. Making your bed is a simple habit that can have a powerful impact on your overall productivity and success.

4. It Lowers Your Stress Levels and Improves Your Mood

Making your bed can be a simple yet effective way to lower stress levels and improve your mood. When you take the time to tidy up your sleeping space, it creates a sense of order and control, reducing feelings of chaos and anxiety. 

For example, imagine walking into a messy bedroom with an unmade bed versus one with a beautifully made bed. The latter instantly creates a more serene atmosphere, reducing stress and improving your overall mood. By making your bed, you create a tranquil sanctuary that can positively impact your mental well-being throughout the day.

5. It Simply Looks and Feels Better

Making your bed not only improves the visual aesthetics of your living space but also enhances the overall feel and ambience. A neatly made bed gives your bedroom a polished and put-together appearance, creating a sense of order and tidiness. The smooth, wrinkle-free sheets and fluffed pillows provide a visually appealing and inviting space to relax and unwind. 

Imagine crawling into a well-made bed at the end of the day, it feels comforting and cosy, adding to a sense of comfort and tranquility. Simply put, making your bed enhances the overall look and feel of your bedroom, making it a more pleasant space to be in.

6. It Helps You Sleep Better

Making your bed can contribute to better sleep quality and help you achieve a more restful night’s sleep. When you make your bed, you straighten the sheets, fluff the pillows, and arrange the blankets, creating a comfortable and inviting sleep environment. This physical act signals to your brain that it’s time to wind down and relax. 

Additionally, a well-made bed can promote a sense of cleanliness and order, contributing to a more peaceful mindset. Climbing into a tidy and organised bed at night can provide a sense of comfort and ease, allowing you to drift off to sleep more easily and experience a more rejuvenating rest.

What The Research Says About Making Your Bed?

Research on the habit of making your bed reveals interesting findings. A study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that individuals who reported making their bed were 19% more likely to consistently get a good night’s sleep. Making the bed in the morning was associated with improved sleep quality, a greater feeling of relaxation at bedtime, and a sense of accomplishment upon waking up. 

Furthermore, research suggests that making your bed can positively impact overall productivity and mood throughout the day. While more extensive research is needed, these studies indicate that the simple act of making your bed can have significant benefits for sleep and well-being.

Drawbacks of Not Making Your Bed

1. Creativity:

Not making your bed is like saying, “I’m not creative.” It’s a statement that makes you seem lazy and unadventurous, which is hardly ever a good thing. Making your bed helps you to be more creative because it forces you to think of new things to do with your room, such as rearranging furniture or creating a new space for your items. 

2. Hygiene:

You may not think about it, but you probably make bed every day. And every night. And sometimes in the morning too!

When you make your bed, it’s hard to imagine that something as simple as a clean sheet can make such a big difference in your life and the health of your skin. But it does.

The cleanliness of your sheets can help prevent skin problems like acne because the bacteria hiding on your face won’t be able to break through all that dust and dirt to get to your skin’s surface. It also makes it harder for those pesky germs lurking on a dirty pillowcase or blanket to get into your body through the pores around your nose and mouth.

Tips for Making Your Bed

Certainly! Here are some tips for making your bed effectively:

– Start with a clean slate: Strip off all the bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and blankets, and wash them regularly.

– Smooth out the mattress: Ensure the mattress is free from lumps or indentations before placing fresh sheets.

– Use fitted sheets: Stretch a fitted sheet tightly over the mattress, tucking in the corners for a snug fit.

– Layer with a flat sheet: Add a flat sheet over the fitted sheet, tucking it in at the bottom and the sides. Leave the top end loose for folding back later.

– Add blankets or a comforter: Place your preferred blankets or comforter over the sheets, ensuring they are spread evenly.

– Arrange pillows: Stand pillows upright or place them horizontally against the headboard. Use decorative pillowcases or shams to add style.

– Fold back the top sheet: Fold back the top end of the sheet, approximately 6-8 inches, to showcase the folded edge and create a polished look.

– Fluff and arrange pillows: Fluff the pillows, arrange them neatly, and place them at the head of the bed.

– Add a throw blanket or decorative accent: If desired, drape a stylish throw blanket or decorative accent across the foot of the bed.

– Smooth out wrinkles and creases: Take a moment to smooth out any wrinkles or creases in the sheets and blankets for a crisp appearance.

Remember, these tips can be adjusted to your personal preferences and bedding choices. The goal is to create a clean, inviting, and visually pleasing bed that promotes comfort and relaxation.


Why you should make your bed? First, making your bed will give you a sense of personal satisfaction. You might not realize it immediately, but you’ll be amazed how much this habit will improve your self-esteem and make you feel like a true adult. Second, making your bed isn’t as bad as it seems. You’re probably complaining that it’s a waste of time, but consider that this is one task that doesn’t require much effort. It’s easy to be lazy and brush aside the importance of making your bed every morning, but a little effort goes a long way!


Why Is It Important to Make Your Bed Every Morning?

Making your bed in the morning is important because it provides a sense of order and accomplishment, setting a positive tone for the day. It also helps create a visually appealing and inviting space, promoting a calm and organized environment that can positively impact your mindset and overall well-being.

Is It Healthier to Not Make Your Bed?

It is not healthier to not make your bed. But, whether it is healthier to make or not make your bed is subjective and depends on personal preferences. Some argue that leaving the bed unmade allows for better air circulation, which can reduce the growth of dust mites, while others find comfort and a sense of cleanliness in making their bed each day. Ultimately, the choice should be based on what makes you feel most comfortable and relaxed in your sleeping environment.

Does Making Your Bed Make You Happier?

Yes, making your bed can contribute to a sense of accomplishment and a visually appealing living space, which may positively affect your mood and contribute to a sense of happiness. However, individual experiences and preferences may vary, so the impact on happiness can differ from person to person.

What Percent of People Make Their Bed?

A Poll by the National Sleep Foundation’s Bedroom revealed that 70% of Americans make the bed each morning.

Do You Think You Should Make Your Bed Every day?

The answer is “yes.” The bed is where you spend a lot of time, and it is also the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning. It’s a pleasant experience to go into your room and see that everything looks nice and clean, especially if it’s the first thing you do every day.

Is It Good to Make Your Bed First Thing in the Morning?

This is a good idea, but only if you have time. If you’re running late for work or school, you can’t make the bed before leaving home. However, if you can make your bed first thing in the morning and leave it alone until after work or classes, this is a great way to start your day!


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