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13 Proven Tips On How To Fix Your Sleep Schedule

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Update: June 9, 2023
6 min read

Written by

Payal Singh
Content Writer
How To Fix Sleep Schedule

Most people believe that their poor lifestyle combined with a wide range of physical and mental health issues are responsible for their lack of sleep. However, if experts are to be believed, a broken sleep cycle is the root cause of people’s sleep problems. This article offers information to help people learn more about sleep schedules, how they work, how to fix sleep schedules, and the importance of having one. 

What Is a Sleep Schedule?

Put simply, a sleep schedule is an everyday routine people follow for going to bed and waking up. Of course, the schedule varies according to people’s lifestyle, age, health conditions, and other similar factors. The sleep schedule is also regulated by the internal sleep clock within each individual and controlled by the hypothalamus.

A healthy sleep schedule helps restore the body, improve brain function, and strengthen the immune system. A healthy sleep schedule requires an adult to enjoy 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep duration is greater for babies and young children to ensure proper growth and development.   

How Does the Sleep Clock Work?

The sleep clock in humans refers to a set of biological processes that control the state of feeling sleepy and awake through the 24 hours of the day. This rotation between sleep and wakefulness is often referred to as the circadian rhythm and helps to determine when people sleep and when they wake. The circadian rhythms make people sleepy at around the same time in the evenings and wake them up on time in the mornings, even if they forget to set the alarm.

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in the hypothalamus within the brain controls the circadian rhythm. The hypothalamus is connected to the retina in the eyes and receives information about light and darkness from the same. This information is then sent to the other parts of the brain for secretion of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. 

Tips On How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Any interruptions in the circadian rhythm can cause a change in the sleep cycle resulting in different types of sleep problems. Therefore, people must learn the best ways to overcome these disruptions and reset their sleep schedules for better health. Below are some effective tips that can help people ensure the same.

Manipulate Light Exposure

The body’s sleep clock is regulated by exposure to light, as when the retinas sense the presence of light, they send a message to the brain to stop the secretion of melatonin. Therefore, manipulating the body’s exposure to natural and even artificial light correctly can help restore the correct sleep cycle. Another way of ensuring the same is by minimizing night-time screen exposure.

Follow A Consistent Bedtime Routine

Following a consistent bedtime routine helps send the right signals to the brain regarding sleep. The routine may include simple steps such as dimming the lights before sleep, changing into a night dress, or even brushing your teeth. These simple routines become psychological indicators for the body to sleep with gradual practice.

Practice Relaxing The Mind

An increase in stress and anxiety levels can significantly impact and even change individuals’ sleep cycle. The best way to resolve the problem and rectify the sleep cycle is by trying to relax the mind before going to sleep. For example, people can try meditating for some time, reading a book, or even listening to relaxing music before hitting the pillow.

Follow A Regular Exercise Schedule

Exercising regularly offers a wide range of health benefits, including enhancing the quality and duration of sleep. Doing moderate aerobic exercises for thirty minutes in the evening can also help to tire the body enough to make it easier for people to fall asleep. However, exercises should be scheduled at least two hours before bed to prevent overstimulating the body.

Avoid Taking Naps

People looking to improve their sleep cycle should avoid taking long naps during the day as it can make falling asleep at night somewhat difficult. Napping for more than 20-30 minutes and after 3:00 PM can result in major sleep disruptions at night. Moreover, long naps can make people fall into a deep slumber and cause grogginess when they wake up, leading to disorientation.

Block Out all Noise

Light sleepers often find it difficult to adhere to a healthy sleep schedule due to constant interruptions caused by different types of noises. Such people can reset their sleep schedule by using various ways to block out all noise as they go to sleep. An effective way of ensuring the same is by using earplugs or investing in soundproofing their room.   

Create The Right Sleep Environment

Creating the right environment is another effective way to follow the correct sleep cycle. The perfect sleep environment varies from person to person and depends on their unique preferences and habits. In general, switching off or dimming the lights, setting the right room temperature, and ensuring that the sleeping area is comfortable enough help to create the right sleep environment.  

Consider The Option Of Fasting

The sleep cycle of people is often impacted by their digestion and metabolism, and hence it is important to improve the same to ensure better sleep. Occasional fasting can help to improve the digestion and metabolism of people and improve their sleep schedules. This is mainly for people who have recently travelled across multiple time zones and may face sleep disruptions due to jet lag.

Opt For an Early Dinner

Developing the habit of having dinner at least 2-3 hours before going to bed is another effective way to improve both sleep quality and schedule. Having a late dinner causes results in the food being digested late and forces the body to stay awake. This, in turn, disturbs the individual’s circadian rhythm and can upset their sleep cycle.

Limit the Intake Of Alcohol and Caffeine

People facing problems with their sleep cycle should avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine in the late evenings. Caffeine consumption should be avoided as caffeine stimulates brain activity, making falling asleep difficult. Even though drinking alcohol before bed can help people fall asleep, they often struggle to wake up healthy and comfortable in the morning.

Be Sure To Maximise Sleep Comfort

Focusing on maximising their comfort while sleeping is yet another way for people to improve their sleep patterns. This would include choosing the perfect mattress that offers ample comfort and support and investing in the right bedding accessories, including pillows, sheets, and comforters. Sleeping comfortably is the key to following a healthy sleep pattern that makes people feel refreshed and energised.

Try A Different Sleeping Position

Many times, changing the position in which people sleep can help improve their sleep cycle considerably. This is especially true for people who might have moved to a new place or have replaced their bed or mattress and are still trying to make changes. A different sleep position can ensure greater comfort for people under the changed circumstances and improve their sleep. 

Seek Professional Advice

If people do not experience any improvement in the wake-sleep cycle, irrespective of implementing the above tips, it is better to seek professional help and advice. In such cases, the problem may be deeply rooted and indicative of underlying sleep disorders that have been ignored for a long time. Seeking the help of trained medical professionals can help cure these disorders and establish a healthy sleep cycle.  

Why Do Sleep Schedules Get Off Track?

Understanding the reasons behind the sleep schedules going off track is an integral part of learning how to fix the sleep cycle. Various reasons may be responsible for sleep cycle disruptions, including changes in work schedules, jet lag caused by long-distance travel across multiple time zones, behavioral and lifestyle changes, health issues, increased stress and anxiety, or even recent parenthood.

Why Is a Good Sleep Routine Important?

Most people seek an answer to why I need to fix my sleep schedule. A good sleep routine ensures better synchronization of the sleep patterns with the body’s internal clock. This keeps the body healthy by giving it enough time to rest and recuperate and keeping people energized throughout the day. A healthy sleep schedule also enhances the functioning of various body systems besides improving brain functioning and strengthening immunity for a healthy life.

How Long Does It Take to Adjust to a New Sleep Schedule?

The time people may take to adjust to their new sleep schedule varies according to the changes they need to make. For example, people who are habitual of sleeping late at night may find it challenging to learn how to sleep early. Similarly, giving up habits like drinking coffee before bed or following a relaxation routine before bedtime also takes time. Therefore, people must be persistent about adhering to the new schedule to sleep healthier.


Before learning how to fix sleep schedule, people need to understand that they cannot accomplish the task overnight. Following the right tips, understanding the importance of the sleep cycle and the reasons causing disruptions is essential to take the necessary measures to improve and fix the schedule.


Does pulling an all-nighter reset your sleep schedule?

Your sleep schedule cannot be altered or fixed by pulling an all-nighter. In fact, it can worsen your sleep schedule. Sleeping poorly one night doesn’t necessarily translate into good sleep the next.

Can you change your circadian rhythm?

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule will assist in resetting your circadian clock. Your body will learn to adapt to the new rhythm if you go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

How to fix your sleep schedule for school?

Being consistent with your sleep routine, turning off screens over an hour before your sleep time, exercising after school, maintaining a dark and calm atmosphere and getting rid of all your academic and other stress will help you fix your sleep schedule for school.

How to stop sleeping so much?

Set a consistent sleep routine, avoid activities that cause too much lethargy, have healthy snacks and meals, and keep yourself active to avoid oversleeping.


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Written by

Payal Singh
Content Writer
Bachelor's in English Literature and Health Sciences Previously wrote blog articles for various Doctors for their websites Familiarity with various content management systems and SEO best practices

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